Speech Therapy Developmental Chart

9-12 Months  Begins to relate names of objects  Articulates most speech sounds
 12-18 Months  Uses greetings (hi/bye)

Uses sentence-like intonation (jargon)

 Uses single words

3 – 20 words Responds vocally to “wh” questions

 Points to wanted objects

Imitates some words

 Points to an object when named
 18-24 Months  Understands approx. 300 words

Uses commands and reactions “more” “mine” “owee”

 Says 50 words Responds to yes/no questions with head gestures  Combines words to make 2-word sentences

Mean Length of Utterance(MLU) = 1.8

 Names familiar objects
 24-30 Months  Understands approx. 500 words

Uses some regular plurals

 Follows simple directions

Answers “what” and  “where” questions

 Follows a series of related commands

MLU = 3.1

 Says 200 words
 30-36 Months Understands approx. 900 words

Uses pronouns “I”, “me” , “you” and “mine”

 Knows 3rd personal pronouns (he/she)

Asks simple “what?” and “where?”

 Says 500 words including “please” “thank-you”

MLU = 3.4

 Articulates p m w n h
36-42 Months  Understands approx. 1200 words

Begins to ask varied questions

Responds to 2 unrelated commands

MLU = 4.3

 Knows  “in front”   “behind”  Says 800 words
42-48 Months  Understands approx. 1500 – 2000 words  Says 1000 words  Articulates b d k g f y  MLU = 4.4
 48-54 Months  Understands approx. 2000-2500 words

Uses irregular plurals

 Says 1500 words

MLU = 4.6

Understands spatial concepts  Uses possessives
 54-60 Months  Understands approx. 2500-2800 words

MLU = 5.7

 Says approx.2000  words  Uses complete sentences  Misarticulates few blends
 60-72 Months  Understands approx. 13,000 words  Understands time concepts  Uses pronouns consistently  MLU = 6.6
 72-84 Months  Is aware of others’ mistakes!!  MLU = 7.3